Devil Daggers Wikia


'Farming' is a technique used in Devil Daggers. The goal is to give the player upgrades early or more homing daggers. The idea is simple: the player leaves one or multiple SQUID I/SQUID II alive, so the SQUIDs will spawn more SKULL II/SKULL III. These SKULLs carry one gem, this gives the player the upgrades earlier than usual.

Keep in mind that the SQUID III releases a group of SKULL I and one SKULL IV. Both of these SKULLs do not carry any gems. Therefore, leaving SQUID III alive is completely useless.

Some tips on farming:

  • Move in big circles around the arena while strafing and bunny hopping, so SKULL I's won't ever catch you.
  • Do not spend any time on SKULL I's.
  • Stop shooting! This way gems will be attracted to you. When you stop collecting gems, the farm is useless.
  • If you keep dying during the farm, you should probably lower the amount of SQUIDs you farm.
  • Make sure to start killing all SQUIDs at around 80 seconds, otherwise killing the CENTIPEDE will be very difficult.
  • After the second SPIDER I and the CENTIPEDE, you should normally have a total of 61 gems. Farming 9 gems will give you the upgrade before the wave at 134, which is very beneficial.
  • Make sure that no gems will be consumed by SPIDERs.

Types of farms:

  1. Easy farm - killing almost everything and only collecting enough to get exactly 70 gems by 134s.
  2. 80 farm - leaving all SQUID I alive until 80s. Whether you kill SQUID II or leave them alive for extra gushes is up to you
  3. 130 farm - leaving all Squids alive until 130s.
  4. Chaos farm - The Chaos Farm is an advanced farm that only the most skilled players can pull off. The goal of this farm is to reach Level 4 before the GIGAPEDEs spawn. You are supposed to leave ALL of the spawners up, and only start killing SQUIDs at around 135 seconds (right after killing the SPIDER I and then the CENTIPEDE). At that point, you keep focusing the SKULLs and SPIDER Is while also killing SQUIDs as you run past them. You should have the third upgrade at about 235-245 seconds (the arena should be almost clear of enemies). This farm is EXTREMELY difficult. You need near perfect movement and aim to pull it off.

Here is a video giving some tips on farming. The video was created by Sojk, the former world-record holder.


Devil Daggers - My approach to farming


Stretching is what you do when you've completely lost control of the arena -- trying to survive for as long as possible. A good stretch requires proficiency with movement and a good understanding of enemy movement, and what you can and can't get away with. By the time you get your first 500, you'll know very well what a stretch is.
